BRdata Retail BOSS Store

In-Store retail solution.
BRdata Store™ is a graphical application built on Microsoft Windows technology.
Features include
· POS interfaces to (in no particular order) IBM SA/ACE, NCR ACS/ScanMaster/2127, and StoreNext ISS45 v7/8 and ScanMaster.
· Direct Item or Batch Maintenance
· Date-driven daily item movement
· Category Management
· Wireless Price Verify
· DSD Receiving
· Purchase Orders
· Inventory control
Item Management
Maintenance batches can be created at store or imported from the wholesaler via seamless import programs or by using the BRdata SIL Interface. Batches can be scheduled to apply automatically to the POS system. Support for unlimited prices, costs, or allowances exists. TPRs can be date-driven or quantity-driven. For example, users can schedule a TPR to go back to regular retail when it reaches a certain inventory level.
To ensure that the BRdata database matches the POS system, BRdata to POS compares can be scheduled to run automatically.
Price Verify
Allows store personnel to easily and efficiently update prices in the aisles. Item information can be secured and customized by user. As well as showing the items regular retail and sale information, the user can also see what the item is scanning for on the POS system. TPR, Ads, or Frequent Shopper prices by date can be entered on the handheld.
Shelf labels can also printed in the aisles using the BRdata Remote Label module to print directly to portable Monarch Sierra Sport Label Printer.
Audit files exist by date, time, and user to identify and changes that occurred to an item.
For price verification users, the system reports on how many and what items were checked to identify the operator's productivity.
DSD Receiving
Store receivers can quickly and easily check-in vendor's products as a receipt by vendor or by receiving off of previously entered purchase order. Discrepancies can be easily identified and vendors can be paid using the store's cost, vendor's cost, or lowest cost. The system can also pay the lowest cost by item. Receipts can be automatically printed to one or more remote network printers.
Other DSD Features
· Imports DEX invoices
· Interfaces to most mainstream accounts payable systems.
· Ability to import electronic invoices from many wholesalers
· Option to run in thin-client mode
When connected to a BRdata Host, the entire receiving application can operate in a thin-client environment. Meaning that the store PCs and RF handhelds are working off the host database. If a vendor or vendor's item is authorized at host, it can immediately be recognized by the stores.
Inventory Control
Perpetual inventory can be tracked using In Store Receiving and automated retrieval of POS sales movement. Using a wireless RF handheld, physical inventory can be entered, adjustments can be made and valuation reports can be printed to show value of a specific department or category. If using the BRdata Scale-Link Module, all of the costs for the random weight items are maintained in the BRdata database. Therefore, users can scan the random weight packages and report on the total retail, cost, and weight for all the items scanned.
Automatic order reports can also be generated based on inventory min/max levels.
Sales Movement
Date-driven daily sales movement database can generate many different gross profit reports to be used to evaluate categories, quickly identify sales trends, plan buying requirements, evaluate ad performance and measure alternate vendor performance. Exception reports allow you to eliminate weak items in the store for higher sales per square foot and improved margins.
Other Item Movement Features
· Seamless interface into MS Excel including graphs and charts
· Model prices and generate batches for checking the item's price elasticity
· Track percentage of sales and GM compared to total store sales and GM. i.e. Dairy dept is 8% of the total store sales, and the 'Milk' category is 20% of Dairy, and '1% half gallons' are 30% of the 'Milk' category
Shelf label and sign printing
High quality shelf labels and signs can be printed whenever needed with options to print off of user created batches. Labels can be printed by template, prompting the user to change the label stock as necessary when exporting an entire batch. Additionally, users can assign a template code to an item, with a different template for new items, discontinued items, BOGOS, TPRs, and ADs. If an item is assigned as a new item, BRdata Store will automatically create a batch, when the user defined "new item time-period" is up.
Support for "Compare and Save" labels whether you're comparing your private label to the national brand or your item's price to a competitor's price exists.
Advanced File Import Tool
Whether you're importing an Excel spredsheet, CSV File, flat ASCII file, or XML file, users can configure a template to import the information and save it to a batch
Report Writer
Users can easily create reports and extract information from the BRdata database files using integrated BRdata Report Writer.
Automated Task Scheduler
Many processes can be scheduled to run automatically.
Alert Notification System
Can be configured to send out e-mail alerts based on certain user definable system events. i.e. item movement process not running or GM% dropping below a certain percentage.